How long is the trip ?

The trip takes about 1 hour round trip.

Should we book ?

Reservation not required but you can buy your tickets online (until the day before midnight). Places are still available at the ticket office on site, within the authorized limit. For group bookings from 25 people, contact us.

Do the places bought online reserve a specific place ?

No, the seats on the train are not numbered. On the other hand, purchasing your ticket online saves you time, without queuing at our counters. In each car there are seats or standing.

What are the payment options available ?

CB, cash

How to park nearby ?

At your disposal two free parking lots. A car park in front of the station where all types of vehicles can park, and pitches are reserved for people with reduced mobility . A second car park near the station, accessible only to cars or motorcycles. motos.

How far in advance do I have to come to be sure I can take the train ?

We advise you to come 30 minutes before the departure time. Namely in July and August, please arrive 45 min before.

Are pets allowed ?

Dogs on a lead and other animals are accepted free of charge. You are asked to install them under your seat.

What are the different types of wagons ?

The train consists of open cars to travel in the open air and enjoy the landscapes. A car is equipped to accommodate people with reduced mobility. In April and October, depending on the weather, a closed car can make up the train.

What is the difference between the steam train and the diesel train ?

Only the locomotive changes, the cars and the journey remain the same.

Can we take the stroller on the train ?

Yes, but in case of crowds prefer the baby carrier.